This is close to Pete's reaction at the time
At the end of a wonderful weekend of mountain biking in Bend Memorial Day weekend Liz started feeling ill. A couple of days and a couple hundred dollars worth of pregnancy tests later, the truth stared us in the face. We can do this, right? My once little and always confused cousin Bryan recently welcomed his son Graham into his arms. My great long time friend Conor has done it twice. My good friend Jake has started what's sure to be a Turkey Bowl MVP roster as well. The point is, all these people around me, once my goof-off comrades have managed to produce and raise the smallest, most helpless, and very fragile beings I can imagine. So maybe it's not that hard. Time will tell. I will revisit this idea for many months and years to come.
So for the last 2 months, Liz has stoicly weathered constant waves of nausea and fatigue. "Morning sickness" was most certainly coined by a guy who only saw his wife in the morning before he left for the day. She is starting to feel better, somewhat, in the 13th week. All initial tests and ultrasounds point to a healthy and normally developing hurricane of hormones, currently the size of a lime and weighing about 1 oz.
Some of you may have questions so I'll try to answer what I might expect someone to ask:
1) no, it wasn't exactly planned. But neither was Pete's proposal to Liz and that worked out GREAT!
2) freaked out for about 12 hours but I am unbelievably stoked about it now. I can't wait to hold the little thing in my arms and teach it all about Carney Lansford, tree hugging, cliff notes for Moby Dick, and how to effectively hang your food in a tree while backpacking (no dad, not that way)
3) we don't know yet but will find out at the next ultrasound at 21 weeks. No surprises for us on this one
4) It/he/she will NOT play video games
5) we welcome all and any advice
6) no names picked out yet. Long way to go before that
7) yes, you can come babysit any time you want. This excludes anyone from the Massey clan who will try to brain wash it into being a Giants fan
8) maybe a nurse midwife but not a homebirth
9) yes, Pete has been an awesome husband; fetching all the random pieces of food and drink that Liz can stomach for that window of time. I learned quickly that I cannot cook fish in the 97403 area code for the forseeable future
10) yes, Liz will undoubtably be using some of the same behavior modification techniques she uses on dogs and husbands to keep the little tike in line
Here is a short and confusing video Liz took the other day. Being a vet with mad skills allows you to ultrasound yourself. That explains the East Lane Veterinary title on the screen and the "K9 ABDOMEN LARGE" setting.
To Bill and Jackie: I guess the reasons that a dog is better than a child have reversed.
I will remove my foot from my mouth and go fetch my preggers bride another cup of mint tea.
more soon
Cheers, Pete, Liz, Brina, Phin, Oscar, and the "perfect parasite"
The name of your cats had me totally confused. For some reason I thought you were referring to my dogs - Finn and Oskar. (Oskar is the brother that lives with my sister in Chicago)
You really do blog?!?... nice articles!! Congrats on "it/he/she", I will definately have to visit your blog page more often to see how the process is going. Well done sir!!
How wonderful, and you will make great parents. The reason they are so cute and helpless when they are given to you is so you remember than when they are teens.
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