Everyone seems to be fascinated with how fat I am getting. Well, 30 lbs worth. I know that will please many of you (Johanna and Patrick). I now have to use the exam table or a large dog to pull myself up off the floor at work; my staff was joking yesterday that I'll soon be calling from the exam room, "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" If there's no nearby hand hold, I have to get into a squat, center myself (balanced between my ass and my belly) and exhale while I stand. Yes, the clients usually have a look of restrained horror during this process.
Here's the evidence (33 weeks pregnant):

And for fun, a comparison at 13 weeks pregnant, with just a little belly:

Off to work this morning. I seem to be playing Dr. Death this week, diagnosing everything I examine with cancer. Please send me warm fuzzy wishes...I am hoping for only puppy and kitten visits today!
Love to everyone,
You are right. I feel like I can speak for myself and Jo...this /does/ make us happy.
Yes. Very happy. Patrick has never been happier! As you know, I myself will only be truly happy when you reach infinite size. I have a lot of patience, though. Keep it up!
Love you!
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