Me and Cassidy
Videos, 1 mo old
Funny how all posts now center around Cassidy. Can you guess what I do everyday (besides pretend I'm a dairy cow?) Cassidy is now 4 weeks old, and has decided that the hours between midnight and 3 am are too good to be slept through. Sometimes she just wakes up and looks around, but lately she's taken to screaming for a few hours. This behavior makes Pete and me crazy, but so far she's declined to listen to reason and logic. So, we went out and bought a Nature's Touch papasan baby swing off of Craigslist. It is magic. Here is some video. Yes, Cassidy is wearing tie-die; she is a Eugenian.
In other news, we are loving the new house; the dog is loving the new yard! Gotta run and attend to crying daughter...swing has its limitations.
In other news, we are loving the new house; the dog is loving the new yard! Gotta run and attend to crying daughter...swing has its limitations.
Cassidy at 2.5 weeks old. Time definitely flies. Our girl now weighs over 7 lbs, makes eye contact, smiles in her sleep (it's not just gas), and actually is learning to be awake during the day and asleep during the night. We are still exhausted, of course, but only because we have yet to adjust our schedule to hers (she goes to sleep around 7 pm, waking to eat around 10:30 pm, then again at about 2:30 or 3 am, then again around 6:30 am). During the day, she looks around contemplatively with her fabulous big blue eyes. Unless she needs something, she is a quiet, mellow baby.

In her Moses basket:

Hiking over the weekend on the ridgeline trail. Cassidy LOVED it and slept the whole way. Mama only made it about a mile before her (ahem) sutured area started to ache, but we all had a great time. The dog was in canine heaven.

Cassidy snug in her Moby wrap and under my jacket. I think other hikers just thought I was a really oddly shaped fat person.

And lest you all think my life is sunshine-and-roses-and-nursing-in-a-rocking-chair, here's what Cassidy looks like when she needs something usually at 3 am (and yes, my boobs are huge, so its hard to get them out of the picture!). I admit I find her screaming oddly amusing, especially because it is easy to tell the difference between a mad "feed me" scream and a scared/sad cry. The sad cry gets me in my bones, but the mad scream cracks me up. Half her head is mouth; she looks like Grover.

In other news, we are moving into a little bungalow in downtown. It has a little more space, a fenced yard, and a garage, so it is definitely a step up. We can bike to the Saturday market, Sweet Life and Sam Bond's. We also will have a guest room (well, sort of) so we welcome visitors, as long as you also think the baby's mad screams are amusing. :)
Love to all. Liz
In her Moses basket:
Hiking over the weekend on the ridgeline trail. Cassidy LOVED it and slept the whole way. Mama only made it about a mile before her (ahem) sutured area started to ache, but we all had a great time. The dog was in canine heaven.
Cassidy snug in her Moby wrap and under my jacket. I think other hikers just thought I was a really oddly shaped fat person.
And lest you all think my life is sunshine-and-roses-and-nursing-in-a-rocking-chair, here's what Cassidy looks like when she needs something usually at 3 am (and yes, my boobs are huge, so its hard to get them out of the picture!). I admit I find her screaming oddly amusing, especially because it is easy to tell the difference between a mad "feed me" scream and a scared/sad cry. The sad cry gets me in my bones, but the mad scream cracks me up. Half her head is mouth; she looks like Grover.
In other news, we are moving into a little bungalow in downtown. It has a little more space, a fenced yard, and a garage, so it is definitely a step up. We can bike to the Saturday market, Sweet Life and Sam Bond's. We also will have a guest room (well, sort of) so we welcome visitors, as long as you also think the baby's mad screams are amusing. :)
Love to all. Liz
More pictures, of course
11 days old
Just an update, short and sweet. Cassidy is doing great. Her jaundice went away without treatment, she is eating like a pig and already gaining weight. She sleeps all day and keeps us up at night (usually wide awake between 12 and 3 am!), but we hear that starts to change around 3 weeks of age. The grandmas are worth their weight in gold, allowing us to catch some naps as they babysit. We all (mom, dad, grandmas, grandpas, uncle, aunt, etc...) absolutely adore this little girl.
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