In her Moses basket:
Hiking over the weekend on the ridgeline trail. Cassidy LOVED it and slept the whole way. Mama only made it about a mile before her (ahem) sutured area started to ache, but we all had a great time. The dog was in canine heaven.
Cassidy snug in her Moby wrap and under my jacket. I think other hikers just thought I was a really oddly shaped fat person.
And lest you all think my life is sunshine-and-roses-and-nursing-in-a-rocking-chair, here's what Cassidy looks like when she needs something usually at 3 am (and yes, my boobs are huge, so its hard to get them out of the picture!). I admit I find her screaming oddly amusing, especially because it is easy to tell the difference between a mad "feed me" scream and a scared/sad cry. The sad cry gets me in my bones, but the mad scream cracks me up. Half her head is mouth; she looks like Grover.
In other news, we are moving into a little bungalow in downtown. It has a little more space, a fenced yard, and a garage, so it is definitely a step up. We can bike to the Saturday market, Sweet Life and Sam Bond's. We also will have a guest room (well, sort of) so we welcome visitors, as long as you also think the baby's mad screams are amusing. :)
Love to all. Liz
1 comment:
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who takes pictures of my screaming baby, and finds the screaming oddly amusing... (at times). :)
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