We are now at 38 weeks and 1 day and officially starting down the count-down until Cassidy makes her grand debut. I am still thinking positively that she will come early: specifically, I would like her to arrive on inauguration day (1/20/09). I refuse to listen to people who say first children are always late. Everyone send very positive thoughts on Tuesday!
Today was a beautiful Eugene winter day. 50 degrees, blue-skies, and the smell of spring already. Pete, Brina and I went for a "hike" (in quotes because it was more like a hour of slow shuffling) at Mt. Pisgah arboretum.
When Brina isn't hiking or shedding, she spends her time thinking up ways to steal the baby's stuffed animals.

As you all probably know, we traveled to the Bay Area over Christmas to spend the holiday with Pete's family and celebrate his mom's wedding. My mom and her husband Sonny met us there. It was a whirl-wind trip, and a bit of an overwhelming drive for the third trimester, but we had a great time.
This is Pete with his cousin's son Graham, who may be the cutest baby on the planet:

Pete's dad and his wife Michelle were kind enough to act as tour-guides around the wine country. This is my mom and Sonny at a winery that I can't spell the name of:

And this is my mom and me at Mary's house on Christmas day, which turned into a combination of Christmas and low-key baby shower. We received lots of great gifts, including a quilt that (brace yourself) my mom actually made. Those of you who know and love her as much as I do will be equally shocked! But it is beautiful!

And finally, the bride and her son dancing at the wedding:

Remember, on inauguration day, when you are all celebrating the end of the Bush reign, send me lots of good childbirthing vibes. :) Love to everyone.
1 comment:
Aww... Lizzie, as usual, LOVE reading your blogs (as I still check at least once a week, if not more)... Your "sprout" looks a little more than a sprout! I will be sending you great childbirthing vibes today -- come out, Cassidy, come out and celebrate this historical day with us!!!!!!!!!!! Love to all. (P.S. Pete looks VERY natural holding a baby!)
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