Liz often prides herself on her ability to be right. Its one of her, um, precious talents. Well, last weekend she said the baby was going to come early. She was right. Cassidy Elizabeth Schrey was born on January 21st, 2009 at 7:13am. She is 6 lbs 8oz and measures at 19.5 inches. She came out so alert and active. A little bit of crying but alot of looking around taking in the world she's just beeng thrown into. All parents gawk at their child and say he/she is beautiful. We couldn't agree more. We both have perspectives of how the whole thing panned out but I must say first and foremost that my wife is the greatest person on earth. She performed miraculously in the face of an unfamilar and massively painful experience. I'll let her blog specifically on that. I am so impressed with her ability to stay calm, breathe, and avoid ANY pain medications! Here is a video of Cassidy's first moments of life as she sat in the warming toaster oven contraption getting measured and assessed by the awesome staff at McKenzie-Willamette Med Center.
Luckily for us we had the Grandma Armada in tow, anxiously waiting in the hallway. Jan and Sonny hauled ass in the RV up from Mexico just in time. Mary and Dean had already moved here. They are over at the hospital now with Lizzy as she and baby figure out feeding.
More to come soon once things settle down.
Much gratitude and love to all the friends and family that have helped us out and the the doctors and staff at McKenzie Willamette Med Center.
Hopefully Cassidy gets to meet all of you soon.
Congrats!!! She's BEAUTIFUL!!
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